Garmon & Company are proud to hold many outstanding affiliations to groups and organizations we respect. Each affiliation listed below add something to our industry and local business communities. Our affiliates are inspirational and have played their part in where we are as a company today, and remain a huge part of where we are going tomorrow.

The North Carolina Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses was established on April 20, 1999 through the signing of Executive Order 150. The mission of this office is to promote the economic opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in State Government contracting and procurement that will foster their growth and profitability.
“Because of your high degree of participation and superior performance, we have experienced success on many levels. Your dedication and hard work allowed us to finish the project on schedule, within budget, with zero lost time injuries. We are fortunate to have worked with a great business partner like your firm.”
Stephen Keckeis & Tony Stamper, Messer Construction