Everyone has a preference when choosing their flooring material. Ceramic and Porcelain are very similar, yet there are distinct differences. Should you opt for porcelain or ceramic for you next commercial flooring project? Here are some tips that would help you determine which is the best option for you.
Porcelain has higher density properties. Its durability makes it suitable for outdoor installations with varied climates. It’s also less porous and water-resistant, with an absorption rate of less than 1%. When installed successfully, it can last for decades making it an overall good investment.
Ceramic is more cost-effective than porcelain. It is less dense, making the tiles easier to cut and measure manually. This makes it a lot more adaptable to interior design decor. Because it’s not durable enough for whether, it’s recommended to be used indoors.
At Garmon & Company, we can help you pick out a design and the best type of flooring to meet your needs in the best possible way.